Customers shopping at a Samsung Mobile Store in New Delhi Shopping Center.
Reuters | Anindito Mukherjee
Samsung Electronics On Friday, although its operating profit declined sharply from the previous quarter, the income on Friday exceeded the expected revenue and operating profit in the fourth quarter.
Compared with LSEG Smartestimate, this is the fourth quarter of Samsung.
- income: 758 trillion in South Korea to win, 75.4 trillion krw
- Operating profit: 65 trillion twice -in -production KRW and 6.8 trillion KRW
Compared with the same period last year, revenue increased by about 12 % compared with the same period, while operating profit increased by about 130 %.
However, operating profits have fallen by nearly 30 % to 6.5 trillion won.
Increase festival in the fourth quarter Samsung’s own guidance is 75 trillion KRW, while operating profit meets the company’s forecast.
Samsung is the leading manufacturer of memory chips. The manufacturer can be used for laptop computers and servers and other equipment. It is also the second largest player in the smartphone market.
Samsung said: “Although the revenue and operating profits in the fourth quarter fell a quarter of the quarter (QOQ), the annual income reached the second highest in the record, which only exceeded 2022.” Its statement.
Samsung reported a total of 30.09 trillion kilometers of revenue for a whole year, and the operating profit was 32.7 trillion kilometers. In 2023, the company’s annual revenue was 25.894 trillion yuan, and its operating profit was 6.57 trillion.
Samsung said that due to its weak semiconductor business, the income may be limited, but it will pursue growth through AI smartphones and other advanced devices.
It added: “In 2025, the company plans to enhance AI’s technology and product advantages, continue to meet the future demand for high -value products, and promote sales growth in the high -end market segment.”
This is a sudden news. Please check to get the update.