In 2006, Japanese engineer Hiroshi Ishiguro shocked the world by creating a robot replica called Geminoid HI-1. Nearly two decades later, he has built six robot replicas of himself, each version becoming more advanced.
In 2006, Japanese engineer Hiroshi Ishiguro created a world-shaking Your own copy of Android Called Geminoid HI-1.
Nearly two decades later, the so-called “father of humanoid robotics” has built six robot replicas of himself, including: per version become more advanced.
His latest version, the Geminoid HI-6, was on display during a visit to Ishiguro’s laboratory at Osaka University CNBC Tech: The Edge.
“The main feature of this version is that it’s conversational. We integrated it with a large language model, and then we fed in ten of my books and almost all of my media interviews,” Ishiguro said in an interview with CNBC.
“Originally, I used this robot to give speeches when I was busy. But now, after the speech, Geminoid HI-6 can answer questions from the audience.” He added.
The robot’s resemblance to Kazuo Ishiguro is undeniable. It mimics his facial features and expressions, and features human hair and silicone skin to achieve a human feel.
However, Ishiguro doesn’t just create robotic replicas of himself. He also developed toy robots and robotic devices. In fact, his first humanoid robot was a replica of his daughter.
Japan has been a leader in robotics for decades. Earlier this year, researchers at the University of Tokyo unveiled a new method of combining living skin tissue with robotic bodies, while West Japan Railway Co. introduced a humanoid robot to perform maintenance work on the country’s tracks.
Watch the video above to see the many creations in Ishiguro’s lab.