On October 17, 2024, after the heavy rain in Paris, a pedestrian crossed a flood street.
Joel Saget | Agence France -Presse | Getty Image
Flash data showed that the French economy was slightly narrowed in the fourth quarter, which emphasized the urgent demand for overcome differences with French legislators and agreed to the 2025 budget.
The economy has recorded 0.1 % contraction in the fourth quarter of the past three months The country’s Statistics Bureau Insee revealed on ThursdayThe growth rate from the third quarter of 2024 decreased by 0.4 %. Economists who investigated Economists in Reuters predict that growth will be flat.
The economy of France’s trapped situation has been promoted Paris Olympic Games Last summer, but since then, the political turmoil has followed, leaving a fiscal challenge-that is, the accumulation of the huge budget deficit and debt in France-has not been resolved.
Since the Congress election was held in June and July last year, political stagnation has been entangled in Paris. The performance of the left and extremely right wings has performed well in their respective voting, which prompts the National Assembly to argue about who should rule. in the end, President Emmanuel Macron installed the conservative party government in SeptemberAlienation of political factions.
Relying on the support of the extremely right -wing, the middle school government of then Michel Barnier was easily attacked by both parties in the political field, and after his exhausted budget plan was rejected in his 2025, the 2025 budget plan was rejected. The government was fired in the voting of unconfident in December.
The new government led by Prime Minister Françoisbayrou Placed in place In December, I would like to thank the extremely right -wing national rally and the socialist party to refuse to support this motion. He was spared to vote for trust brought by the left wing earlier in JanuaryEssence
However, the budget of 2025 has not yet passed, and Bayrou (Bayrou True debate on pension reform And agree with additional expenditure and work creation in the health and education departments.
Analysts said that the Balu government has a better chance to obtain a budget of 2025 through Parliament, although the talks this week are close to collapse.
Mujtaba Rahman, managing director of the European Group European Group European Group European Group European Group, said in a comments on Monday: “Françoisbayrou) passed 2025 deficit budget in 2025 The opportunity has greatly strengthened a series of political and financial concessions of socialists in the National Assembly.
Rahman added: “(He) is now in a good position, and it can resolve the short -term budget crisis in France next month or early March.”
However They suspended them to participate in the talks to protest Belu’s remarks on immigrants.
Even if the talks resume, the government may be ambitious with a 5.4 % ambition of this year’s budget deficit.
Rahman said: “We believe that he (Bayrou) has a great chance of success now, but the final budget text may not even have even his GDP deficit this year, 5.4 % of the ambitions.”