Can a Formula One car be green? CNBC’s “Inside Track: The Business of Formula 1” takes a look at Formula 1’s race for sustainability, the sport’s biggest challenge yet.
Formula 1 is a global sport huge carbon footprint.
“When you think of F1, you think of speed, innovation, efficiency,” F1 ESG director Ellen Jones told CNBC’s “Inside Track.”
“These are the elements we need to provide in terms of sustainability,” she added.
this racing On their own, they account for only a small proportion of the sport’s total emissions, accounting for just 0.7%. The majority of F1’s carbon footprint (nearly half) comes from the logistics of taking the race to the road, with a further 28% coming from transporting people involved.
In 2019, F1 was established Sustainable Development Strategysetting an ambitious target of net-zero emissions by 2030.
“Key to our commitment to net zero emissions by 2030 is that it’s not just F1. It’s also bringing in our teams and key suppliers,” Jones said.
Watch the video above for an in-depth look at F1’s sustainability race, including interviews with Ellen Jones, head of ESG at F1, Kim Wilson, director of sustainability at McLaren, Adam Sammons, head of sustainability at Oracle Red Bull Racing, Silverstone operations Interview with Stephane, Head of Sustainability, Basil and more.