Jay Woods, chief strategist at the Free Capital Market, said that although the AI startup Deepseek appeared, the AI startup Deepseek appeared, but NVIDIA’s stocks still had more benefits. Woods joined the CNBC’s “Powerful Lunch” on Tuesday to share his views on AI chip manufacturers. This is what he had to say in this part of the “three soup lunch”. NVIDIA NVIDIA’s stock price proposed on Monday that the number of Big Tech has always invested in the AI model and data centers on Monday, a Chinese startup company Deepseek has fallen 17 % on Monday. The market value of the stock invested $ 600 billion, marking the largest losses of a US company. However, the stock came back on Tuesday and ended with a 9 % income for a day. NVIDIA’s stocks still fell 4 % this month, but increased by 111 % in the past 12 months. Woods said the settings of traders are optimistic. The strategyist said: “In the long run, I still think this is great. This story set off from China with Deepseek-we first fired, we ask the question now.” “My question is more than the answer. So I think this is a purchase Opportunities. Although GM issued the income of the fourth quarter and income in the fourth quarter, General Motors ended at a rate of 9 % on Tuesday. Under the 2nd Trump government, more and more concerns in the preparation of automobile manufacturers for new changes, investors reduce stocks, such as potential tariffs and policy changes on the impact of vehicle production and electric vehicle sales Essence Woods said that the decline in stocks on Tuesday is now providing investors with a good entry point. He said: “I think this is an opportunity to buy stocks. This quarter is very solid. People are worried that the 25 % tariffs that have not been mentioned in their guidance.” “You buy here, you leave and embrace 200 days of mobile average level The “” GM’s stock “is currently the same month, but it has increased by 42 % in the past twelve months. RTX’s RTX shares (previously called Raytheon Technologies) on the back of the fourth quarter of the fourth quarter of the fourth quarter of the fourth quarter of the fourth quarter. The revenue of this aerospace company was US $ 21.62 billion in revenue, which was US $ 1.54 per share, which expected $ 20.54 billion in revenue analysts of more than $ 1.38 per share. Woods said that RTX’s Rosy Outlook made the stock look very attractive. The strategyist added that the industry is very powerful and RTX’s current performance is better than competitors Lockheed Martin. Woods said: “Trump wants this American iron dome, guess who helped the Israeli iron dome? Thor. Then, if this does happen, please expect Thor that it is better.” What a technical point of view. It has a solid price action. 42 % rose in a month.
Strategicist Jay Woods said | Real Time Headlines